Pediatric Dentistry
Izmir Pedodontics
Pedodontics, It is a department that includes all the treatments and practices that ensure the healthy conduct of a critical period such as the eruption of milk teeth and permanent teeth in children between the ages of 0-13 and the elimination of any problems. The aim of pedodontics, which has an important place in dentistry; Our aim is to solve the problems at their source and ensure that the mouth-tooth-jaw development of children continues without any health problems. Symrna DentIzmir Pedodontics Pediatric dental treatment services are provided at the clinic.
Who is a Pedodontist?
Physicians who have chosen the department of pediatric dentistry for specialization or doctoral education after 5 years of undergraduate education at the Faculty of Dentistrypedodontist It is called. During the training process, pedodontists not only learn about dental development and treatment methods, but also receive training on approach to the child, child psychology, growth and development. For this reason, introducing the child to a pedodontist is of great importance in preventing dental phobia, which is a very common condition that occurs after negative experiences in childhood. Because pedodontists use the knowledge and techniques they acquired during their specialist training to prevent such traumatic situations.
Our Pediatric Dentistry Services
Our main services offered by Symrna Dent Izmir Dental Clinic pediatric dentists and pedodontists are;
Dental care in children, tooth brushing training and general dental health monitoring,
Regulating nutritional habits to protect dental health,
Preventive treatments to be applied before tooth decay occurs (Fissure sealant and fluoride applications),
Carrying out treatments to prevent bad oral habits,
Performing endodontic and restorative treatments on milk teeth and permanent teeth (root canal treatment, amputation, filling),
Extraction of milk teeth and replacement of early loss of milk teeth with appropriate placeholders,
Performing interventions with sedation or general anesthesia under operating room conditions in cases requiring special treatment
When Do Milk Teeth Come Out?
In babiesmilk teethThe best answer to the question of when they will appear is that the first teeth begin to erupt approximately 6 months after birth. After this period, milk teeth continue to erupt in children for 2 years, and by the time the child is 2.5 years old, a total of 20 milk teeth have emerged in the lower and upper jaw. Starting from the age of 6-7, permanent tooth roots in the front area develop and milk teeth begin to change by falling out or being pulled out. This process continues until about age 12. By the age of 12, milk teeth have completely changed.
The Importance of Milk Teeth
Their functions such as feeding the child and holding space for the permanent teeth that will come after them reveal the importance of milk teeth. In addition, the development of proper speaking skills is provided by milk teeth. For this reason, health problems that may arise from traumatic, genetic or caries-related health problems in milk teeth, or health problems that may arise from bad oral habits such as thumb sucking and nail biting, may affect general health in later ages.pedodontics IzmirIt is recommended to be introduced to and make the first dentist visit.
First Dental Examination in Children
in childrenfirst dental examination It is very important. Because it plays a major role in shaping the child's perspective on dental examination in later years. Therefore, it is critical to establish correct communication with both the child and the parent. Dental treatment should be done by turning it into a game and avoiding scaring the child. First of all, both the dental and medical history of the child is learned and the necessary examinations are performed. These are clinical and radiographic examinations. The results obtained, the general condition or the diagnosis, if any, are shared with the mother and father. Afterwards, the tracking process continues. In this process, with the support of the parents, the child is educated about oral health and how to protect it, and habits are provided. If necessary, protective procedures (such as fissure sealant or fluoride applications) are performed.Pediatric dentist IzmirYou can leave your child's first dental examination in safe hands.
Sedation Dental Treatment in Children
To prevent or eliminate the fear of the dentist that may occur in children.sedation process is applied. The purpose of this process is varioussedation methodsIt is to ensure that the child relaxes by using appropriate means (inhaling gas, using syrup or pills, injection or injection of medication, intravenous medication). If needed in our clinic, sedation is applied by choosing the appropriate method.
Protective Measures
The primary goal of pedodontics is to prevent any problems with the teeth and to build a future without caries problems in children. For this reason, all the procedures applied are called Preventive Dentistry. Some of these applications are superficial fluoride and fissure sealant procedures. In fissure sealant applications, it is the process of covering these areas with a filling material to prevent decay in the areas on the upper layer of the molars where food sticks (fissure, groove), and preventing bacteria from reaching there. It is known that after this application, tooth brushing becomes easier and nutrient retention and therefore cavities decrease by 70 to 80%. In order for the treatment to be carried out properly, this filler must be checked every 6 months. Superficial fluoride, another protective procedure, is applied to the tooth enamel, which may be sensitive and less resistant to decay after the first tooth eruption, and the tooth enamel is strengthened. In this way, the teeth become more resistant to acids and the formation of caries is prevented. Fluoride application can be applied to healthy or decay-prone teeth, to teeth treated for tooth sensitivity or erosion, as well as to individuals with a disease that requires special treatment. Although the frequency of application varies depending on the age of the patient and the condition of the caries, it is generally every 6 months. and is recommended to be applied only by professional dentists.
When is General Anesthesia Needed?
General anesthesia is the process of performing the treatment by putting the child completely asleep.pediatric dentistry in general anesthesia,It is applied in order not to cause trauma in children who need to be treated in a short time but cannot communicate, whose fear cannot be relieved, and who cannot meet the conditions for in-patient treatment due to anxiety. In addition, general anesthesia is considered appropriate for very young children with multiple cavities or abscesses to avoid trauma to later ages. In this way, the child does not remember the procedures performed and does not feel afraid. General anesthesia is generally applied to children with physical, mental or medical disabilities. However, this procedure must be performed in the operating room environment and by an anesthesiologist.
We attach great importance to pedodontics, which is children's first dentist experience and therefore has a very critical importance. We are at your service with our expert staff for your children who have problems with their milk teeth, encounter problems during the eruption of permanent teeth, or need special care.Izmir pediatric dentist You can contact us for your needs.